The Renewing of Our Mind

🌟 Remarks

Made perfect and complete, that is what happens to us when we are renewed by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of GOD Himmself and therefore being filled by it, our eyes (mind) will be opened to the truth and His mysteries. His own desires and plan for us will be revealed to us when we receive the Holy Spirit.

But the Holy Spirit does not come just by accident, we need to truly ask the Lord for Him to enter our hearts and not only that but stay in it forever so that we may be joined to Christ and Christ in us. That bond will only come out of chastening. That does not mean that once we live with Christ our life becomes worst, no, it became more challenging. But with problems also come opportunoties and possibilities. The apostles met more sick and wierd people once they follow Christ, They even met diviners and sorceress doing magic until they stop them and introduce to them the truth. The life of the Apostles became more challenging, busy and wierd. But with it also comes Jesus Christ the Son of Man who strengthens them and teaches them of The Way.

The chastenings that the apostles face bonded them with Christ for bond is made through trials and tribulations. Simple social cause and effect; you and a friend stranded in a forest for a year will definitely build a strong relationship together in order to survive. Even from the earliest of mankind we all did this: gathering together back against back to protect each one from the dangers lurking in the dark. And so when we live together with Jesus and face the trials and tribulations of the World, Jesus will watch our back but we do not need to watch His back really… The analogy breaks down here “-_- So with that danger (trials) around us, we will be bondes to Christ.

🌟 Reference

John 14:26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

John 15:26 “But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.

Mark 6:30 And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught.

🌟 Relevancy

Being double-minded, tossed and fro by the wind, unstable in his ways. Those characters probably reflect me the most. For those who know me, particularly in Arts and Design Class, and from those the ones that have ever been one group with me will know that i shift ideas a lot. I prefer things to be able to change, to transform, to evolve in the future and that way of thinking tended me to formulate ideas that are too flexible.

Too flexible meaning aren’t based on any strong foundation but based on many smaller ones that can be removed and added later on. Based on a personality test, my qualities all hover around the middle: 50%. They aren’t to strong nor too weak but just right. I used to see this as good as that means that I can always change for the better and not only change but change faster than my peers. That proofed right actually, I am able yo adapt to new environments faster than my couterparts as seen in Church when suddently I am taken in charge for 20 people in my community group. But this also means that I can change for the worse faster than my peers which proofed to be correct as well.

During my first day at a course that teaches University level stuff to a 12 grader, I became stressed and depressed when suddently realizing that I simply cannot follow the study. Being tossed and fro by the wind is not good. Not good. Until one day my stress pulled me real low and the pressures of life smack me down real hard to the ground. But I realized the ground I landed on is a hard bedrock. See, sometimes rock bottom can be a solid founation. I fall onto Christ for He is my last chance of
