The Law upon Our Hearts

The renewal of the human hearts will cause the enngraving of the law in our hearts as well. We will be given more understanding of the law and the law will abide in us and we shall live by it.

When Israel first come out of Egypt, they camp in mount sinai for one full year, then as God promised, He will bring them to the promised land and they will be God’s people and He will be their God, it’s going to be great, but it’s not. Just a few days after going into the wilderness, they start complaining about thirst, hunger, and even Mosses brother and sister complained to him infront of the people.

But God is faithful to Mosses He will guide him through the whole process, God will also be in the midst of their presence to be their guide and strength, but Israel is corrupt and sinful so He gave them the 10 commandments, it is like the terms and conditions of the promise, if they are going to be faithful to God and do all these comandments, then they will receive the promise no problem.

But as we know, they start rebellions, they complain even more, they even built idols whilst Mosses is on the mountain. Therefore God gave them more laws, then they break more laws, God give even more laws, then they break even more. In the end, there is no point of giving laws to the people, they are just gonna keep breaking them.

This goes on and on until the day that Israel is trampled on by Babylon because of their corrupt behaviour and disobedience. The prophet Jeremiah said that the only way this is going to change is by the renewal of the human heart, because every sin, is caused by a heart problem.

When we envy someone, that is a heart problem and it leads us to sin, when we become jealous, when we despise someone, when we do not have love, all of that is a heart character problem and it leads us to do sins.

Jeremiah 17:9 (NKJV) “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?

Psalms 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Therefore, let us be the pioneers of brethrens that have a new heart, pray to God to give us a clean heart so that we may discern the good and the bad, the righteous and the wrong, and to engrave the law in our new
