Counting all things as loss

🌟 Remarks

The treasure of heaven exeeds all worth. When a man finds the one thing that brought meaning to his life, there is nothing else that he needs to do, he has found himself. So is the case when men have found the true purpose of their existance, they found it in the presence of God. For when the presence of God comes down lime dew, it changes the atmosphere and people’s spirit are strengthened.

Everything is vanity, like what the preacher said. Indeed they are, but our flesh desire cound them as treasures while trying to fit them in the God-shaped cavity of the human heart. There is nothing else we can fit except Hinself. We are made dependant of Him, we cannot exit out of God’s presence and live.

Adam and Eve were brought out of the land of His presence, the garden of Eden, into the world where the would need to work the land. See, right after they exit God’s presence things around them change. The land did not manage itself and bring forth good. But they need to work the land.

🌟 Reference

Psalms 73:28 But as for me, God’s presence is all I need. I have made the sovereign Lord my shelter, as I declare all the things you have done.

Psalms 143:10 Teach me to do what pleases you, for you are my God. May your kind presence lead me into a level land.

🌟 Relevancy

Long time ago i decided to begin walking in Christ more seriously and found out that i began to stay away from evil automatically. I began reading His word more diligently, listening and singing hymns of praise as well as discussing the mystery of the Lord with brethrens.

Although i did not purposefully stay away from evil, the growth of His spirit in me stayed evil away from me. And that is something remarkable that many humanly treasures i have gathered i count as vanity. I did not ran away from evil, but evil ran away from me. At least that’s what i felt at that moment i prayed in His
