A righteousness from the law

🌟 Remarks

Paul, being the worst of the disciplea before his encounter with God, became commonly viewed as one of the highest priests in the bible after Moses and Jesus Himself. Paul explains a lot about the law and how things that are meant for good could turn out to be evil because of its source being the world and not God Himself.

It is relatable to our life in this world where out of human counsel and foolishness came deviations of Truth, which is mistruth. Truth is one and it is humanity’s job and desire to unravel its mystery as well as promise. We all eant to know the truth, the truth about the secret your friends are hiding from you, the truth about the disease your loved one has been hiding from you as well as the truth of your future, the future that He has hidden from the eyes of the wicked.

Paul exhorts his fellow brethrens and us that when we start to design our own truth we will be blinded to see how far we have fallen and strayed from the truth, the way of God.

🌟 Reference

Proverbs 3:3 Do not let truth and mercy leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.

Proverbs 12:19 The one who tells the truth will endure forever, but the one who lies will last only for a moment.

🌟 Relevancy

We all have been there, designing our own truth that rewards our stubborn heart for fulfilling. But we need to quickly seek help once we realized we are falling, grab the rope and seek for help.

Recently i thought working a lot is hard work until i realized i worked on the wrong thing, so i focused on doing things that actually leave an impact, a good one, to the world i am living in. Still procrastinating tho, working on
